Parents, Carers and Teachers

Generation Girls is a successful project working in schools and online. It’s a project specifically designed for Autistic Girls and girls with learning disabilities. We are an all female lead team of specialist theatre facilitators and Peer educators. If your child has been or is about to join in with Generation Girls, she is part of a safe space, a community of girls just like her who are able to explore important topics in an open, creative and supportive way.

Feel free to watch the smart script with our artistic director Nina Lemon, who talks through frequently asked questions, this is titled ‘For Parents and Carers’. If you still have questions or would like to know more, contact us here. If you’re a teacher at a Special Educational school and would like to the program or would like to talk more about what we can offer please email Rosie our Outreach co-ordinator at rosie@peerproductions.couk

It’s tricky to talk about these things but I feel comfortable doing it in this environment. I can actually talk about things like sex and periods
— Generation Girls Student, 2019
All our girls gained a huge amount from this group as it allowed them to be themselves  and talk freely in a completely safe setting
— Teacher, 2018
I now feel confident to spot the signs of abuse if I was in an unhealthy relationship
— Generation Girls Student, 2019

What is GG?

